Alice 2.5 Download

Alice 2.5 download free

  1. Alice 2.5 Download
  2. Alice 2.5 Download Free

Alice 2.5 Download

Alice Greenfingers 2: Intriguing Farming Fun! Alice has inherited a perfect piece of land in the countryside. Make your business bloom by playing with your creativity, as you grow crops and follow the trends down at the town market. Design the garden any way YOU like; Win awards for your acheivements; Sow 15 types of seed; Free Download - Only. Alice Project: Simple Driving Game Alice has a pre-made Event for using the arrow keys to 'drive' an object through the world. The object can be an animal, person, thing, or vehicle. In addition, the camera can have its 'vehicle' set to the driving/moving object. Allowing the view/player of your program to have a 1st Person view.

Alice 2.5 Download Free

4. Parameters‎ > ‎

G. Dragons

This Web site is under construction.
: Be sure to add comments to your methods to document what each method does and what actions are carried out by sections of code within the method.

Exercise: Dragons

This exercise requires you to do the following:
  1. Download a PowerPoint file and/or create a Google Presentation File.
  2. Save the file as: lastname_firstinitial_dragons.
  3. Share the file with the instructor in Google Docs when you are finished.
  4. Read the Dragons scenario (carefully!).
  5. Answer the questions in the PowerPoint file.
  6. Create a textual storyboard with 'pseudo-code' for the animated story.
  7. Create the animated story in Alice.

Read the Dragons Scenario and Answer the Following Questions

Read the following scenario:
Legend has it that the dragons are distant relatives of chickens. We are not surprised, the, that a favorite pastime of dragons was a game of 'chicken'.
The scene below shows a world with four dragons (Medieval) carefully placed in a diamond like pattern (similar to baseball players at the four bases). Create a simulation of a game of chicken where any two dragons face each other and fly upward to a slightly different height above the ground.
Then the dragons fly toward each other, nearly missing one another. Each dragon should land in the position where the other dragon was located. That is, the two dragons trade places.
Your simulation should use a method named dragonFlight that has four parameters - the two dragons that will face off in a game of chicken and the height for each dragon's flight.

Answer the following questions for the scenario (use the PowerPoint file you downloaded).

  1. What story it to be told?
  2. What objects are needed?
  3. What actions (instructions) are to take place?

Create the Storyboard

For this section, use the PowerPoint file to type in 'pseudo-code' or the instructions for creating the Dragons story in Alice. Here is an example of a storyboard.

Create the storyboard with 'pseudo-code' in the PowerPoint file.

Check with the instructor if your storyboard follows the story in the Dragons scenario.

Create the Animated Story: Dragons

Create the animated story in Alice.
  1. Open Alice.
  2. Open the Dragons world located at the bottom of this page or challenge yourself by creating the world yourself.
  3. Save the Alice World as: lastname_firstinitial_magic_act.
  4. Using your storyboard and the scenario, create the animated story using methods and parameters.
  5. Show it to the instructor when you complete it.